Minnesota Wild Plum Blossoms

Monday, June 3, 2019

It's been awhile since I posted, so I have a little bit of catching up to do.  As I mentioned in my last post, we took a whirlwind trip to southern Wisconsin--I forgot how close to the Illinois state line John B. lived.  It was a 12 hour drive down there. After our arrival, we packed our stuff up in the car, ate dinner and visited with John for several hours before heading off to bed.  It was then 12 hours back home.  We hit rain about halfway up through Wisconsin, so decided to go home via Superior and Duluth rather than drive through the Twin Cities in the rain.  It was fun seeing Lake Superior again, even though it was through the rain.

Two of our grand kids graduated from high school Memorial weekend, so we were kept busy helping to prepare for graduation parties, as well as attending the graduation ceremony and splitting our time between two homes and eating too much food.  The weather has finally warmed up the last several days with plenty of sunshine.  There was a while there when I thought the sun was never going to shine again.  We had day after day of gloomy dark weather and rain.  It's safe to say summer is here.

John has kept busy mowing our lawn and the cemetery.  Sam has been here over the last several days restoring our porch.  The guys jacked it up, put a new roof on, and today, put up all new screening.  John and I laid down new carpet and added some new lights.  It is now safe to sit out there and enjoy the peace and quiet along with cool breezes.  With the warmer weather, my flowers are starting to grow and bloom--they were rather stunted by the cold and so much rain.

Now for the good news--John is going to have his surgery tomorrow.  He is to be admitted at 9 a.m. and will be in the hospital for 2-3days.  We would appreciate you prayers that all goes well and we both will have peace throughout this time.

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